Recently, pytest has become the de-facto standard Python testing framework. Compared to unittest or nose, pytest assumes a different philosophy. There's no more test cases, setUp/tearDown, specific asserts and all the boilerplate. pytest tries to keep things simple by using plain functions and make writing tests very straightforward.

I have been using pytest for a while now and I quite like it. I use it for all new projects. It's worth noting that it maintains compatibility with unittest and nose test suites which makes the migration easy -- I recommend giving it a go!

In this post, we'll take a look at how to get started with pytest in a Python project.

Versions used

For reference, we'll be using Python 3.6.6 and pytest 3.6.3.

You can install Python using your favorite package manager or from Python website.

I recommend installing all Python packages (including pytest) through pip.

There's also an excellent guide on installing Python and pip on the Hitchhiker's Guide to Python.

Initial structure

Let's start with a very simple project with a few files. The directory structure we're going to start with is a plain Python code repository as follows:

$ exa -TF code/pytest-basic-setup
├── pyproject/
│  ├──
│  └── calculations/
│     ├──
│     └──

Our pyproject so far contains basic calculation functions in calculations/

def running_sum(numbers):
    current = 0

    for num in numbers:
        current += num

        yield current

def running_mean(numbers):
    for length, sum_so_far in enumerate(running_sum(numbers), start=1):
        mean = sum_so_far / length

        yield mean

We can execute these functions from the Python interpreter:

(Note how we're using list() to get a list of numbers, we need to do that because the functions are "lazy" generator functions -- using yield statement).

>>> list(running_sum([1, 2, 3]))
[1, 3, 6]
>>> list(running_mean([10, 20, 60]))
[10.0, 15.0, 30.0]

Adding basic tests using doctests

Note how these examples we've run make nice, concise tests as well as code examples. They make perfect doctests.

doctests are runnable code snippets included in docstrings. They work so that code prefixed with >>> is executed in the interpreter, and expected outputs are captured below (as strings). Good news is that pytest supports them out of the box!

Let's modify the source code to include them right in the source along with basic documentation.

def running_sum(numbers):
    Lazily generate a running sum of an iterable of numbers.

    >>> list(running_sum([1, 2, 3]))
    [1, 3, 6]
    current = 0

    for num in numbers:
        current += num

        yield current

def running_mean(numbers):
    Lazily generate a running mean of an iterable of numbers.

    >>> list(running_mean([10, 20, 60]))
    [10.0, 15.0, 30.0]
    for length, sum_so_far in enumerate(running_sum(numbers), start=1):
        mean = sum_so_far / length

        yield mean

Now, we can run pytest on our module (note we need to use --doctest-modules flag):

$ pytest --doctest-modules
=========================== test session starts ============================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.6, pytest-3.6.3, py-1.5.4, pluggy-0.6.0
rootdir: /code/pytest-basic-setup/pyproject/calculations, inifile:
collected 2 items ..                                                        [100%]

========================= 2 passed in 0.01 seconds =========================

Success! Now, let's look at adding more involved tests in dedicated test modules.

Adding test modules -- structure

Adding test code, we're faced with an important choice. Namely, where to put the test code. I'd say, there's two main conventions:

  • Put all the tests in a top-level test or tests directory.

    This is a good choice if you're planning to package your project (e.g. as a PyPI package) and share it with others. Your users might not be interested in running tests and the test code, just consuming the end-user code.

    $ exa -TF code/pytest-basic-setup-tests-toplevel
    ├── pyproject/
    │  ├──
    │  └── calculations/
    │     ├──
    │     └──
    └── tests/          # <- all test modules go here
       └── test_calculations/
          └──   # <- "test_" prefix indicates a test module
  • Put tests along with individual modules / packages.

    This might be a better choice if you're not packaging your project and everyone using it always clones the whole repo, including tests.

    $ exa -TF code/pytest-basic-setup-tests-alongside
    ├── pyproject/
    │  ├──
    │  └── calculations/
    │     ├──
    │     ├──
    │     └── tests/    # <- tests right alongside code
    │        ├──
    │        └──

Good news is that pytest supports pretty much any convention, as long as you stick to prefixing everything with test_.

Properly configured, it will discover every single test in your codebase. I recommend making it possible to run all tests from the toplevel project directory just typing in pytest on the commandline. This encourages users to run tests, taking the guesswork out of "how do I run tests?" and also makes CI/CD easier to set up.

We're going to use the first (top-level tests dir) approach in our further examples.

Asserting with pytest

pytest makes it very easy to write test assertions. It modifies the built-in assert keyword so that it's aware of constructs like in, is, >= etc.

In other words, the need to use a specific assert function (e.g. unittest's assertEqual, assertIs or nose's snake case equivalents e.g. assert_in) is very rare.

While "plain" assert statements are fine for testing, the specialized versions give much more context to anyone reasoning about the test or debugging its failure. So good practice is to make assertions as specific as possible -- and pytest does that for us.

Without further ado, let's write a few tests for the running_sum function.

$ exa -TF code/pytest-basic-setup-tests-toplevel
├── pyproject/
│  ├──
│  └── calculations/
│     ├──
│     └──
└── tests/
   └── test_calculations/
      └──   # <- we'll be modifying this file
from pyproject.calculations.running import running_sum

def test_running_sum_empty_input():
    assert list(running_sum([])) == []

def test_running_sum_range_100():
    numbers = range(100)
    result_list = list(running_sum(numbers))

    assert len(result_list) == len(numbers)
    assert result_list[0] == 0
    assert result_list[-1] == sum(numbers)

    assert result_list[50] == sum(numbers[:50])

Running these tests gives the following output:

$ pytest
========================== test session starts ===========================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.6, pytest-3.6.3, py-1.5.4, pluggy-0.6.0
rootdir: /code/pytest-basic-setup-tests-toplevel/tests/test_calculations, inifile:
collected 2 items                                                 .F                                                 [100%]

================================ FAILURES ================================
_______________________ test_running_sum_range_100 _______________________

    def test_running_sum_range_100():
        numbers = range(100)
        result_list = list(running_sum(numbers))
        assert len(result_list) == len(numbers)
        assert result_list[0] == 0
        assert result_list[-1] == sum(numbers)
>       assert result_list[50] == sum(numbers[:50])
E       assert 1275 == 1225
E        +  where 1225 = sum(range(0, 50)) AssertionError
=================== 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.02 seconds ===================

Oops! We've made a classic off-by-one mistake here. We're comparing 51st result element against the sum of 50 numbers. Note how useful and human readable the test failure is -- we see the values being compared with == below the line that failed. Fixing this to:

def test_running_sum_range_100():
    numbers = range(100)
    result_list = list(running_sum(numbers))

    assert len(result_list) == len(numbers)
    assert result_list[0] == 0
    assert result_list[-1] == sum(numbers)

    assert result_list[49] == sum(numbers[:50])     # FIXED: result_list[49]

Makes our tests pass:

$ pytest -q
..                                                                 [100%]
2 passed in 0.01 seconds

More involved asserts

Let's add two more tests for our function -- one for incompatible types, one for float values.

We can check that a piece of code raises an expected exception using pytest.raises and we can use pytest.approx to test for approximate equality. This is good practice for testing floating point values due to their limited precision in hardware.

from pytest import raises

from pyproject.calculations.running import running_sum

def test_running_sum_empty_input():
    assert list(running_sum([])) == []

def test_running_sum_range_100():
    numbers = range(100)
    result_list = list(running_sum(numbers))

    assert len(result_list) == len(numbers)
    assert result_list[0] == 0
    assert result_list[-1] == sum(numbers)

    assert result_list[49] == sum(numbers[:50])

def test_running_sum_invalid_types():
    invalid_input_str = [1, 2, "42"]
    invalid_input_list = [[1], 2, 3]

    with raises(TypeError):

    with raises(TypeError):

def test_running_sum_floats():
    # NOTE: direct float comparison (no approx)
    assert list(running_sum([1.0, 3.11, 5.33])) == [1.0, 4.11, 9.44]

We deliberately skipped approx in test_running_sum_floats -- let's see how the failure looks like:

================================ FAILURES ================================
________________________ test_running_sum_floats _________________________

    def test_running_sum_floats():
>       assert list(running_sum([1.0, 3.11, 5.33])) == [1.0, 4.11, 9.44]
E       assert [1.0, 4.109999999999999, 9.44] == [1.0, 4.11, 9.44]
E         At index 1 diff: 4.109999999999999 != 4.11
E         Use -v to get the full diff AssertionError
=================== 1 failed, 3 passed in 0.02 seconds ===================

Again, pytest makes the error easy to diagnose -- it knows that the objects being compared are lists and indicates that the difference occurs at index 1.

We're comparing two float values that are almost, but not quite, equal. Such are the joys of working with floating point numbers.

For reference, outside of tests we'd use this sort of construct:

>>> from math import isclose
>>> 1.0 + 3.11 == 4.11
>>> isclose(1.0 + 3.11, 4.11)

But in pytest, approx gets the job done (and we can use it on lists and other structures that contain floats):

from pytest import approx

def test_running_sum_floats():
    # FIXED: using pytest.approx for float comparison
    assert list(running_sum([1.0, 3.11, 5.33])) == approx([1.0, 4.11, 9.44])

With that, we get a clean test pass:

$ pytest -v
========================== test session starts ===========================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.6, pytest-3.6.3, py-1.5.4, pluggy-0.6.0 -- /usr/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /code/pytest-basic-setup-tests-toplevel/tests/test_calculations, inifile:
collected 4 items PASSED               [ 25%] PASSED                 [ 50%] PASSED             [ 75%] PASSED                    [100%]

======================== 4 passed in 0.09 seconds ========================

Putting it all together

We have achieved quite good test coverage for running_sum.

However, running_mean needs some more work -- we'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

Let's now make sure that running pytest in the top level dir runs all the tests we have written, including doctests.

pytest can be configured easily -- we can drop the configuration in setup.cfg file. This file is the de-facto Python standard for configuring all sorts of tools in one place and pytest has support for it.

What we're trying to achieve is to make sure pytest always runs all doctests, aka. the --doctest-modules flag. It can be made the default by adding setup.cfg with the following content:

addopts = --doctest-modules

The final structure we've ended up with is therefore as follows:

$ exa -TF
├── pyproject/
│  ├──
│  └── calculations/
│     ├──
│     └──
├── setup.cfg
└── tests/
   └── test_calculations/

Now, all tests are run as expected (also note that pytest indicates the inifile it's using and the dir is being run from):

$ pytest
========================== test session starts ===========================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.6, pytest-3.6.3, py-1.5.4, pluggy-0.6.0
rootdir: /code/pytest-basic-setup-tests-toplevel, inifile: setup.cfg
collected 6 items

pyproject/calculations/ ..                               [ 33%]
tests/test_calculations/ ....                       [100%]

======================== 6 passed in 0.03 seconds =======================

Further reading

That's all for today!

The full, final code for this post is available at github.

If you're interested in pytest and testing Python overall, please check out the links below.